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Thanks for visiting Train Life on the Web, companion to the Train Life documentary and repository of the ongoing story.

The Train Life movie distills 70,000 miles of train-riding experience into a 23-minute glimpse of the onboard lives of 12 Capitol Corridor commuters. Why they do what they do day-in and day-out is revealed in interviews aboard the trains and railway platforms where they spend vast amounts of their waking hours.

…to everyone who attended the Davis Film Festival for braving the reconstruction dust at the Varsity Theatre. Despite the bombed-out external appearance of the theatre and the plastic sheeting in the lobby, a good time was (seemingly) had by all.

But wait, there’s more…
The Train Life Stores are now online! Buy Train Life stuff and be the envy of your friends and coworkers on and off the train.

Filming for a Train Life follow-up is now underway and will probably continue for as long as I’m commuting by train. If you’re a Capitol Corridor regular you might see interviews taking place onboard the 523, 525, 540, or 542. And, if you happen to see a suspicious character (i.e. me) taking photos or shooting video at a station, please don’t call the feds.

Use the train life route stops at the top of the page to delve further into the life of people who ride the train:

  • Movie—find out where Train Life is playing and view it online
  • Trailers—view and download trailers from the film
  • Epilogue—find out where the cast is today
  • FAQ—answers to those nagging Train Life questions
  • Downloads—photography and digital paraphernalia
  • Store—buy Train Life stuff to fill up your home and office
  • Links—Web sites related to train life and digital video filmmaking